

To treat acne properly, it’s important both to avoid triggers and use acne products that work!


在策划婚礼时, 准备毕业舞会或安排照片拍摄, waking up with an acne breakout is a significant worry. 然而, 对一些人来说, this embarrassment is a daily occurrence as acne becomes a regular part of life. 治疗痤疮很有挑战性, but it is easier when you know the causes of acne and the best ways to treat the condition.


有几个因素导致痤疮的产生. Hormones are the main reason that acne is so prevalent in both teens and pregnant women. Surging hormones enlarge sebaceous glands, leading to oil overproduction. Genetic factors can also contribute to excessive oil and the propensity to suffer from clogged pores. 化妆品中的一些成分会加剧痤疮, actually changing the cell composition in follicles and making them more likely to stick together and plug pores.


Acne is your body’s reaction to the overproduction of oil. Your skin has millions of tiny openings that are either sweat glands or hair follicles. Each of your hair follicles has a tiny oil gland that helps your skin stay lubricated and hydrated. When conditions are right, this oil gland can overproduce. When oils mix with dead cells, your follicles can clog, become infected and lead to acne. While some people may think dirty skin contributes to acne, that is not really the case. 事实上, cleaning your skin 太 aggressively can aggravate your acne if you are already prone to breakouts.


It’s no secret that teens suffer from acne at a higher rate than more mature adults. 当女性长痘时, 它通常与怀孕等变化有关, 月经和避孕. This is a good indication that there is a distinct hormonal connection to severe acne. Hormone fluctuations cause pores and follicles to enlarge and contribute to oil overproduction. A body that is experiencing hormonal fluctuations can also have trouble properly sloughing off skin cells, 导致粉刺积聚.




The main contributing factor to teenage acne is fluctuating hormones. The follicles in your skin regularly produce oils to fight dryness and provide lubrication. When your body starts to change, however, this oil production can get out of control. 当石油生产过多时, 你皮肤的正常系统不能充分吸收它, 它会与皮肤细胞混合,堵塞毛孔. When acne gets very severe, these clogged pores create ideal conditions for bacterial growth. 堵塞的毛孔会破裂并传播感染.




It’s easy to grab the first acne treatment you see and hope for the best. 然而, the most consistent results come from using not only quality products, 但也要注重整体健康的生活方式.

吃健康的饮食Your body cannot heal and rebuild without the vitamins, 健康食品提供矿物质和抗氧化剂.


Your skin is a lot less likely to flare up into acne outbreaks when it gets the hydration that it needs. Keep a water bottle with you at all times, and make sure to drink from it throughout the day. You won’t believe the difference that the right hydration can make. Remember that sugar-laden drinks can have a negative effect on the appearance of the skin, 酒精可以, 太.

行动起来!-Exercise keeps your weight under control, making it easier for your body to regulate hormones. It also fights stress, a factor known to contribute to acne flare-ups.

〇使用目标澳门皇冠体育因为你的皮肤和成年人不一样, you need to look for a teenage acne treatment built specifically for your needs.


幸运的是, Hale Cosmeceuticals has spent more than 30 years studying the causes of acne and developing solutions that really work! With Hale Cosmeceuticals, it’s easy to get the products you need to reduce acne right away. The minute you finish reading this, go grab a bottle of water and start drinking it. During your next trip to the grocery store, load the cart up with fresh veggies and fruits. Investigate Hale Cosmeceuticals’ lineup of skin care and beauty products 太 and figure out the ones that are right for you.


Our GSL Cleanser contains a specialized blend of salicylic acid, lactic acid and glycolic acid. These ingredients help to slough away old, dead skin cells, which keeps pores as clear as possible. When the skin’s pores are clear, acne is much less likely to develop.

O.R.A.C. 提升复杂

这种独特的澳门皇冠体育富含抗氧化剂. 这些抗氧化剂能促进胶原蛋白的生成, 改善肤色, improve skin elasticity and remove detrimental Reactive Oxygen Species from the dermal matrix. It also contains alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acids, which smooth and soften the skin. This product also reduces the risk of blackheads and other types of blemishes.


Thanks to its high concentration of vitamin A, this product bolsters cellular reproduction. Improved cellular reproduction translates into healthier looking skin. Skin is strengthened and fortified by this unique product. Vitamin A is also prized for its ability to regulate the production of sebum, 哪一种会堵塞毛孔,引发粉刺.

At Hale Cosmeceuticals, we are your 皮肤健康 company. Our products contain REAL active ingredients that are scientifically known to have significant benefits to the skin and reduce breakouts. We are CONFIDENT that our products will give you the results you are looking for!

For questions about these or any of our other active ingredients, please 在线澳门皇冠体育 或者今天打电话给我们 1-800-951-7005.